Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Robert S. Carney Jr. Makes His Case To The 5th District Green Party...

Photo By John Hoff

During the same super-fun meeting where Farheen Hakeem tried (unsuccessfully) to have me ejected from the 5th Congressional District Greens for allegedly being (among other things) a "right wing blogger" there was a presentation made by self-proclaimed "moderate progressive republican" Robert S. Carney Jr. 

Carney was, well, welcomed politely.

Go figure.

Carney is one of the numerous waste-of-paper "also rans" who are clogging up the ballot for Minneapolis Mayor, like Al Flowers and James Everett.

Carney gave me and others present at the meeting an "excerpts edition" of his self-produced DVD, "Escape From History. Part 1: The Minnesota Legislature." This DVD is part of his "Minnesota Republican Project" and more info can be found at...

As for the allegation that I am a "right wing blogger," check out this blog post I did during RNC 2008 and judge for yourself. Wanting to live in a safe neighborhood without pimps and hookers standing on the corner waving their arms like a helicopter doesn't make somebody in favor of gentrification, let alone "right wing," but, well, whatever.  

As for you, Bob Carney, Jr., here is your fifteen minutes of Johnny Northside bloggy fame. Enjoy. You probably won't get any more.

1 comment:

Johnny Northside! said...

OH, check it out.

Bob Carney hanging out with the crew from Landlord Politics Dot Com.

Oh, wait.

He's not just HANGING OUT with them, he appears to be PART of them.