Thursday, September 11, 2008

RNC 2008: Code Pinker Stickers Were EVERYWHERE!!!

Photo By John Hoff, September 1

The Code Pink stickers reading "Make Out Not War" were EVERYWHERE. At the end of Monday's protest, I found out the reason...

There was at least one lady (but I suspect probably more than one) who were completely dedicated to sticker distribution. She would say, "Take one to wear, and one to share!" She would look at the recipient sternly and say, "Now, make sure if you take a sticker you ACTUALLY WEAR IT." And what can you say?

"Yes, ma'am."

The hot pink "Make Out" stickers dominated the visual aesthetic of the protest, showing up everywhere on everything, everybody.

I gave my "take one to share" sticker to my real estate agent, Juley Viger, who was reluctant to get caught in some kind of tear gas melee even though she really WANTED to go to a peace rally. I urged her to attend Thursday's rally. But on the State Capitol steps, while shooting THIS VIDEO NOW ON YOUTUBE, I called Juley and said, "Don't come! STAY AWAY FROM THE STATE CAPITOL." (I think part of that was caught on the audio)

Well, at least Juley got that cool sticker from the Code Pink grandma. I mean, if you can't enjoy your constitutional right to assemble you might still be allowed to legally possess, like, STICKERS.

DISPLAYING the aforementioned stickers may put you in a different legal status, however.

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