In the heart of the Jordan Neighborhood is a lovely, peaceful body of water called the Jordan Pond, and some very "Pro City" neighbors try to keep things nailed down tight so the "pond scum" won't take over the pond...
Part of keeping on top of things involves constantly picking up litter. Well, about a week ago, litter patrol got a bit exciting. Jordan Neighborhood "super volunteer" Megan Goodmundson sent me this photo.
Thanks Johnny!
I was wonderin' what happened to those... I'll swing by and pick them up.
Hey!!! I was wonderin' what happened to those!
Dang Jeanie! I coulda swore they were my missing panties....
Perhaps I need to go look a little harder around the pond.
Well, I am sure Watson is use to having those thrown in his direction!!!
Dumb F*%@s go report these to the police. Come on Johnny! You didn't think this could be key evidence for some victim?
Too late now to report evidence... I've already laundered and commissioned the panties into my wardrobe. I'm going to be living a new freegan-style fashion life.
So you're saying this thong might be evidence of a sexual assault? We're supposed to call the police every time we find UNDERWEAR laying around?
If the underwear was bloody and ripped, yeah, I could buy that. But this thong sat there for WEEKS. I don't buy an argument that this thong is evidence of anything except, well, either prostitution or fornicating at the periphery of the pond. Or maybe a dog snatched it off a clothes line and dragged it there. Who knows?
In any case..."The Thong Master" took the matter in hand.
....Or rather, he took the matter 'in stick'.....
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