Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"True JACC" Lawsuit In The Jordan Neighborhood: Quickie Summary Of Wednesday's Court Proceedings, Judge Declares Two Witnesses "Not Forthright"

Photo By John Hoff, January 2009 JACC Press Conference

Proceedings were abbreviated today in the "True JACC" court battle, with only Bob Cooper taking the stand...mostly to testify about grievance procedures. The most notable part of the day was Judge Porter making a declaration that two witnesses were "not forthright."

Though the two witnesses were not named, it is assumed one of them MUST be former JACC Executive Director Jerry Moore, whose answers on the stand had that quality of...

...Jello fruit salad trying to avoid being nailed to a wall, plus that whole taking the Fifth Amendment thing when asked about the location of JACC records. As to who was the other "not forthright" witness, it's clearly NOT Bob Hodson. You can call Hodson a lot of things, but not FORTHRIGHT? No, if anything, he was just a bit TOO forthright.

Speculation is the second "not forthright" witness might be E.B. Brown. Her long, painful pauses and tendency to talk about--oh gee--her email mysteriously fading in and out--did not seem to impress Judge Porter.

There was also talk from Jill Clark about trying to procure affidavits from (infamous neighborhood nut cases) Zack Metoyer and Al Flowers. The reason for the affidavits is unknown, but better wear asbestos gloves when handling such paperwork. Thou shalt not bear false witness, that's all I want to say about THAT.

As for Bob Cooper, he apparently spoke about Community Development Block (CDBG) grants. These grants are what makes an organization like JACC a "citizen participation government group" and (I would argue, as I have before) not MERELY a non-profit organization, but a true grassroots government something akin to an unincorporated township board, only subsumed into the greater power and authority of the City of Minneapolis. I would also argue that, having been a CDBG group, a kind of governmental authority "lingers" even between contractual periods.

Oh, and E.B. Brown gave Jill Clark a neck massage. Sorry to disappoint you all (sarcasm font) but no video exists for YouTube. Unlike (salivate) Ben Myers' deposition.


Anonymous said...





there, I think that's about all the OMG's I have for the many morsel's of info covered in that post.

Anonymous said...

Afadavits from Zack & Al would tie-in nicely I suspect to the plaintiffs cause.

I mean come-on both Zack & Al are from Jordan and the thrust of the "old Majority's" plans were directed towards the betterment of Jordan, the community in which they all live.. Right?

Anonymous said...

Uhm. Doesn't Mayoral Candidate Alfred "Al" Flowers (aka "I Am The Community Lie-Berries") live in SOUTH Minneapolis??? Where is that website of his again... (search search).