Department of Corrections Photo, therefore in the public domain
Blog post by John Hoff
Three Level Three sex offenders. In one house. How can this NOT be "concentration" of sex offenders? How can this NOT be a violation of the statute which is supposed to limit such concentration? Why has the Department of Corrections completely dropped the ball and left my neighborhood holding the bag?
I would ask them, but folks like Bobbie Chevalier-Jones and Russ Stricker just don't answer my emails. They appear too busy making sure of job security by keeping folks like "Spanky Pete" Rickmyer out on the street, while my neighborhood pays the price.
In any case, the house at 2226 Glenwood Ave. N. was something of a...
...conundrum, since I was able to confirm three Level Three sex offenders live there, but I could only get the names of two. Since a source confirmed the mailbox said "Dawson," I thought it was an offender in North Minneapolis with that last name, click here. But it turns out Rickey Harris lives there...
Click here for more info about Rickey Harris, a low-life rapist.
More than half the states in the U.S. publish the specific addresses of serious sex offenders. For the safety of its citizens, the state of Minnesota should publish these addresses, rather than leaving it to bloggers. The information is not classified or protected. This blog will continue to publish the info as it falls into my hands...and it appears it will continue to fall into my hands.
Are you going to do the same thing with Pete's picture?
The following comment came from a guy named "boathead." I am approving part of the comment, and withholding some names and assertions mentioned in the comment.
Now that spring has arrived and i am more mobile(no car) i am going to make it my mission to help you whenever and whereever i can.You will get more information as i go along my merry way xxxxxxxxx.
Protecting the innocents of society from the flotsam and jetsam.By the way, they like to hang out in the early morning at Penn-Wood Market.I see their perverted faces acting as though they are friendly. XXX used to hang out there until he got busted at XXX Glenwood for dragging a woman into those apartments and brutally raping her,She was known in the neighborhood as a very loving mother and friend.Look xxx mug shot up on the the department of corrections offender locater web site
... (rest of comment withheld by JNS)
The poster calling himself "boathead" claims to go a long ways back in the neighborhood and to have a personal connection with the victim of one Level Three sex offender.
I continue to welcome information from boathead and I urge boathead to obey all state, local and federal laws.
In regard to Pete's picture...
There is already information aplenty up here about Pete, and his picture is up here many times. Pete's residence is also a matter of record because it is on his so-called "lawsuit" document, which I will be putting up in PDF form soon enough.
The house next door, at 2222 Glenwood, is for sale, and is a good sized duplex in decent condition at a good price and terms. Now I understand why a bit better. My husband and I and our three children were seriously looking at that property to purchase and owner occupy, but this is a little much. I am a huge proponent of people serving their "debt to society" and needing to have the freedom to move forward with the maximum opportunity to do so positively, but I have to give you your due for bringing this to my (and other people's) attention and am glad it's BEFORE my kids are settled in next door.
I read Dear Prudence on Slate.com and saw something today that you might find encouraging.
Here's a 21st century kind of question.: As a caring parent of two 6-year-olds, I subscribe, on the internet, to a service that tells me whenever a convicted sex offender moves into my neighborhood. The service provides only a minimum of information, so I am not privy to the actual details of the case or the basis of the conviction.
Recently, I was e-mailed the news that a convicted sex offender moved in next door to a friend of mine. That friend has a 5-year-old son. The information has me in a quandary -- I am thinking that they might be interested in the information, but I don't want to paint the scarlet letter on a neighbor if the conviction was based on something that might not be repeated. I am unsure where to take this. Your thoughts?
Emily Yoffe: Wouldn't you want your friend to tell you? It's true that these days a convicted sex offender can be a teenager who got caught in the legal system for sexting. But these ridiculous cases are not what anyone's talking about when they hear "the sex offender next door." Because the information provided is so minimal, your friend should do some further sleuthing. She should start with Google and Bing. She can see if the local newspaper where the crime took place wrote anything about the case. She should investigate the online criminal records of the jurisdiction where the offense was committed, and if that turns up nothing, make some phone calls to the court to get details of the case. I'm not suggesting surrounding the neighbor's house with a pitchfork-wielding mob. But anyone with a young child would want to know if there's something alarming about the guy who just moved in next door.
To MyMy's Momma--
Speaking as the father of a child, but also somebody looking for a good deal, somebody who happens to have a rather hot blog...
I would use the information to browbeat the seller of the house into giveaway prices. Then I would move in and work relentlessly to reduce the concentration of Level Three sex offenders in NoMi, starting with the house next door.
I say the Department of Corrections has been caught red-handed dumping L3SOs into our neighborhood in "concentrated" numbers, clearly in violation of the statute. This blog won't quit until the problem is solved. Now is the time to get ahead of the trend and buy properties currently impacted by nearby L3SOs.
To homeowners with impacted property: tell me where the L3S0s are. Give me info. I will move on the info. Help me to help you.
Okay, so approving 'part' of a message and withholding other parts - isn't that, by all accounts, "censorship"? Somehow, we are expected to accept that as okay because you admit it, this time?
And, if everyone had your mentality about criminals, they would never leave prison, because you would never want one in your neighborhood. As it is, it is probably exactly WHY there is 3 in one house - because NO ONE, LIKE YOURSELF, WOULD GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO REHABILITATE.
As far as I know, they have done the time, now they get to live with the scarlet letter of being on the sex offenders registry for the rest of their lives, when opportunistic malcontents can forever wave the conviction (without really knowing the circumstances, but then, who needs to - since our criminal justice system NEVER makes any mistakes) for your drama-hungry admirers to feast upon....like so many spectators at the french inquisition.
Be careful of the ferocity for which you spew your venom, JNS, because when it finds you, it will only show you the same mercy....
karma just works that way.
Anybody who comes to this blog regularly knows how wide open the comments function is. Some info is explosive and needs to be verified before being published. I'm very interested to talk to "boathead" directly and wish he would email me.
You are correct in this regard: I don't think any of the Level Three sex offenders should have been released into society. Proof of the correctness of my position exists in the raped and murdered bodies of numerous members of our society, including the bright and beautiful Dru Sjodin who attended my college, UND, during the time I was there...
May she rest in peace.
Also, I can see how much they are "rehabilitating" when somebody like Pete Rickmyer goes around filing his frivolous paper against--OMFG--the Commander of the Fourth Precinct, among others.
But whether they should be released or not, they should NOT be concentrated in a poor, vulnerable neighborhood which is primarily people of color...
They should NOT be living in one house...
They should NOT all hang out at a particular convenience store, together.
So, yeah, let me get this straight...sing it along with me, will you?
All you are saying...
Is give L3S0s a chance....
I say GIVE MY NEIGHBORHOOD A CHANCE. Give us a chance to be something better rather than a dumping ground for the criminal trash of the whole state. Hell, not even the whole state...Rickmyer first offended in Oklahoma...another of these L3SOs came here from North Dakota.
I mean, WTF!!???
In regard to my "drama hungry admirers," that would be somewhere between 400 and 500 readers a day, thank you very much.
You do provide great entertainment JNS. That was a good rant.
You like my parody of "give peace a chance?"
I thought that was a nice touch.
How about I sing it in my "Spanky Pete" imitation...
All I am saying/
Is give me a chance to get a piece...
Boathead continues to anonymous 2:48 Hester prynne would barf too. There is quite a difference between an adulterous affair and men who go around molesting and raping women and children.So anonymous 2:48 after your own form of Karma bites you where you think... your dumb ass!!!!!... post another thoughtless comment.
Give Nomi a chance! Sound like a great song title. Dont know if it would be a hit in the Spanky Pete voice. Not like Pants on the ground, but close.
T Jaramillo
Boathead on board.I guess the first part of my comment to Anonymous 2:48 wasnt sent properly.My fault.I explained that i had used some language and dropped some names and was not being careful...as i said iam kind of new to this stuff.I will e-mail you eventually,John, and help where ican..... now back to anonim ass2:48.I take it you are one hell of an empathyser for for what i will hereby call "The Anonymous 2:48 free the poor Scarlet letter wearing child molesters" movement.Hey 2:48, get stephenson a.k.a. rickmeyer to be your F####ng fearless leader.You might be related to him the way you sound.I said in my earlier comment that i did not send properly that you give Barf a bad name,Thats why it gets rejected by the body,You make me want to throw up in your mug.Hester Prynne would roll over in her grave.Venom??!?!The bullshit your mouth SPEWS is a F****ing joke. John does more for and cares more about the safety of the citizens in this part of the city then 80 percent of the people that were born and raised here.Shoutout to asshole 2:48, your attitude tells me you are an associate of, or an actual"Scarlet Letter" wearing member. Keep up the good work John i once will give you as much help as i can in the near future
By all means. Let's not trample on the rights and civil liberties of L3SOs in NOMI.
OR, for another perspective, maybe the law-abiding citizens and children in NOMI have rights as well.
And there's more:
Another perspective on the problem is offered by Anna Salter, one of the
foremost experts on sex offenders in the country. She writes the following in
her popular book Predators. Read it carefully then YOU tell ME what the
likelihood of reoffense is.
"The dry research figures only confirm what I have seen over and over in this
field: there are a lot of sexual offenses out there and the people who commit
them don't get caught very often. When an offender is caught and has a thorough
evaluation with a polygraph backup, he will reveal dozens, sometimes hundreds
of offenses he was never apprehended for. In an unpublished study by Pamela Van
Wyk, 26 offenders in her incarcerated treatment program entered the program
admitting an average of 3 victims each. Faced with a polygraph and the
necessity of passing it to stay in the treatment program, the next group of 23
men revealed an average of 175 victims each."
However, I am quite positive that its been prven conclusively that that concentrated L3SOs in NOMI are all anomalies. I mean innocent until proven guilty right?
Are you willing to bet your wife, or children on this?
Here is what Ricky Harris has been up to since I last wrote about him.
Register of Actions
Case No. 27-CR-13-13645
State of Minnesota vs RICKEY HARRIS §
Case Type: Crim/Traf Mandatory
Date Filed: 04/30/2013
Location: Hennepin Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Party Information
Lead Attorneys
Defendant HARRIS, RICKEY Male
Court Appointed
Jurisdiction State of Minnesota MICHELLE DOFFING BAYNES
Charge Information
Charges: HARRIS, RICKEY Statute Level Date
1. Public urination prohibited. It is unlawful to urinate or defecate on any public street, alley, side 227.180 Misdemeanor 04/06/2013
2. Loiter with an open bottle 364.45 Misdemeanor 04/06/2013
Events & Orders of the Court
Plea (Judicial Officer: Siegesmund, Kristin)
2. Loiter with an open bottle
Disposition (Judicial Officer: Siegesmund, Kristin)
1. Public urination prohibited. It is unlawful to urinate or defecate on any public street, alley, side
2. Loiter with an open bottle
Sentenced (Judicial Officer: Siegesmund, Kristin)
Looks like there were even more serious charges in 2012.
Register of Actions
Case No. 62-CR-12-6865
State of Minnesota vs RICKEY HARRIS §
Case Type: Crim/Traf Mandatory
Date Filed: 08/22/2012
Location: Ramsey Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Judicial Officer: Mott, J. Thomas
Related Case Information
Related Cases
62-MH-PR-12-502 (Companion Case)
Party Information
Lead Attorneys
Defendant HARRIS, RICKEY Male
Jurisdiction State of Minnesota CORY RYAN TENNISON
Charge Information
Charges: HARRIS, RICKEY Statute Level Date
1. Criminal Sex Cond-4th Degree-Victim Mental Impair/Helpless (Not applicable - GOC) 609.345.1(d) Felony 08/20/2012
Events & Orders of the Court
Plea (Judicial Officer: Rosas, Salvador)
1. Criminal Sex Cond-4th Degree-Victim Mental Impair/Helpless (Not applicable - GOC)
Not guilty
Amended Plea (Judicial Officer: Mott, J. Thomas) Reason: Plea agreement
1. Criminal Sex Cond-4th Degree-Victim Mental Impair/Helpless (Not applicable - GOC)
Disposition (Judicial Officer: Mott, J. Thomas)
1. Criminal Sex Cond-4th Degree-Victim Mental Impair/Helpless (Not applicable - GOC)
Sentenced (Judicial Officer: Mott, J. Thomas)
1. Criminal Sex Cond-4th Degree-Victim Mental Impair/Helpless (Not applicable - GOC)
08/20/2012 (FEL) 609.345.1(d) (6093451d)
Some four years later, it comes to my attention his name is spelled "Rickey" not "Ricky." JNS blog makes correction accordingly and notes the correction, which has been made throughout.
While in the article, I also increased the size of the font as per the recent style of my blog, for readers who prefer larger print.
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