Friday, May 1, 2009

Saturday, May 2, NoMi Social Event Of The Season At The "Hawthorne Princess," New Home Of Connie Nompelis (No-bell-iss)

Photo displayed on Connie's Facebook Profile

Connie Nompelis is a Realtor, a historical home preservationist, a former active board member of the "Old Central" neighborhood in South Minneapolis, a model, sometimes, (see photo above) and the executive producer of the new Adventures of Johnny Northside movie, click here. She is also now a citizen of the Hawthorne Neighborhood, by virtue of a recent home purchase in the Historic Farview Park cluster of classic homes.

One of those amazing antique homes Connie bought for about $6,000 and she is planning to lovingly rehab it and make it her residence. Tomorrow, Saturday, May 2, starting about "6 ish" in the evening, Connie plans to have a party of sorts at the house...

This is not an "open invite," however. If you want to go, you need to contact Connie and, among other things, actually be a productive member of society. (This is my characterization, not Connie's, so feel free to direct stale-yet-overheated politically correct b.s. in MY direction, not hers)


Some photos of Connie's new house to follow in next blog post. The house is called the "Hawthorne Princess" because it is a Queen Anne, only smaller than normal, therefore it is a "Princess."


Anonymous said...

Um, i cant tell if you're gay or if you're obsessed with this connie chick.

One day its Jeff..the next its connie. Make up your mind who you want.

Johnny Northside said...

OK, then.


Anonymous said...

tough choice.