Photo by John Hoff
New paper appeared sometime yesterday at the Apartment Complex of Anarchy. It is now a boarded building and word is condemnation isn't far behind. I ask you, who allows...
...copper to be ripped out of a building WHILE THEY ARE LIVING INSIDE? Does one hear the noise and think, "Oh, they must be worked on the pipes. Getting our water back on, I certainly hope."
I spoke to Peter Teachout, who was walking around with a hammer.
"Are you trying to be me?" I asked him.
Peter said he had procured a truck and help from his church to move two families evicted from the Apartment Complex of Anarchy--actually one extended family, three generations. It was the Thomas family, which included a pregnant woman and a 5-month old baby. Peter helped for hours, moving the Thomas family.
It was Thomas who was quoted in the Star Tribune saying, "We have no money. We get money once a month. It's near the end of the month and we're stuck with no money."
Community Justice Partners hooked the stuck-with-no-money Thomas family up with some (temporary?) housing. Peter said something about how he needed to be helpful. It had to do with his conscience and his relationship to God. He didn't want them sleeping on the sidewalk. I told him thanks for doing that.
We discussed the tactical difficulties of keeping tabs on the corner of 30th and 6th Street, where the drug dealing appears to have shifted. It's a very hard corner to watch. Unlike the Apartment Complex of Anarchy, which I could see quite well with binoculars from a church parking lot on Lyndale, the corner of 30th and 6th is a bit more challenging to keep under observation.
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