Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Front Lawn (Goodbye To Old School Film)

Photo by John Hoff

Every chance I get, I tell people how dandelions (French for "the lion's tooth," because of the shape of the leaf) were considered a vegetable by the French. They were brought to North America for that reason, and escaped from gardens to take over the continent.

Thus, every time you have to pull a dandelion, blame the French. (Of course, if you're like me and enjoy eating dandelion salad, you can also THANK the French)

I took this picture of my lawn before I mowed it, to record the lovely little violets springing up next to the dandelions. It is a good feeling to mow a lawn you own, free and clear. I don't know how many times I will have the pleasure of mowing this lawn before selling the house to "the good guys" creating the Eco-Village, and then hopefully buying another house nearby.

With a lawn. With dandelions. Gotta have dandelions for salad.

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