Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Pile Of Garbage Is Missing Its Gorilla Suit (Goodbye To Old School Film)

Photo by John Hoff

Here's that pile of garbage which hasn't moved in a month, despite calls to 311.

Oh, wait, I can't say it hasn't moved. The gorilla suit I saw there before has disappeared, so the pile kind of moved.

I am keenly disappointed and worried everybody will think I've been having gorilla suit hallucinations.

Another little mystery in the debris. Who took the soggy gorilla suit, and why? Where does a soggy gorilla suit sit?

(Do not click "Read More")


Anonymous said...

Don't call 311 about garbage issues. Start with the Solid Waste and Recycling folks: 673-2917. This is one of the few City departments you can still call direct and in my opinion the finest run department in the city bureaucracy. They'll tell you if it's an issue they can deal with or if they will just pass it on to inspections. In any case, you'll have a better idea of when the problem might be addressed.

Johnny Northside said...

It's going right into my speed dial. Thanks for the insight.