Friday, May 9, 2008

That's Why The Professional Boarding Crews Make The Big Bucks (Or Not)

Photo by John Hoff

Wow, look at that. Perfectly-fitted boards, and secured into stucco! Those professional boarding crews, they're like rock stars to me. I can't even compete.

So this is the back of the garage where Little Jane ran off the crack heads. There is a vehicle in side the garage, but it has been stripped of parts. Jeff Skrenes pointed out it's up on blocks, just waiting to fall on a small child.

Or a crack head. It could conceivably fall on a crack head.

Actually, rumor has it the Mexican boarding crews make 10 bucks an hour. At $140 per window, let's see, you only have to board one window to make the company enough to pay you 7/8 of an eight hour day. I've cost them quite a bit by my volunteer efforts but, with all the places I call in, I've made them 100 times more.

The company, I mean. Not the guys who actually do the work.

(Do not click "Read More")

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