Friday, May 9, 2008

Solution to the Foreclosure Crisis

Photo by John Hoff

Make the signs A WHOLE LOT BIGGER!!!! That will solve everything.

No, seriously, I swear...the signs seem to be growing lately, the way dinosaurs got enormous in the course of their evolution. All those signs are competing with each other for the same pool of picky, savvy buyers. The solution? Get bigger.

It will get worse before it gets better. You watch.

Oh, this house was unsecured. Front door kicked in. And I don't mean the porch door. I wouldn't even bother with calling in a porch door, honestly.

I was driving around and "doing 311s." This is so useful and produces such satisfactory results (if you have the patience of a living saint) that it is possible to make a big contribution as a "311 activist."

So I called 311 but I also called the number on the sign. Normally it's impossible to get in touch with anybody who knows anything when you deal with these auction entities, but this time I got through to a human being who seemed on top of things.

Even if the real estate agents and auction entities can be difficult to reach, I do make the effort. Before the conversation was over, the operator asked eagerly if I was interested in buying the house in question?

Got plenty to deal with right now, I told him. Thanks, anyway.

(Do not click "Read More")

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