Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Clockwork T.J. Waconia Orange photo, graffiti in Greece

Jeff Skrenes said something funny the other day about T.J. Waconia. We were discussing my "let the punishment fit the crime" proposal to make Thomas Balko and Jon Helgason serve their prison sentences in some of their own North Side properties.

Skrenes said maybe somebody could psychologically reprogram them, like in that movie (and book) "A Clockwork Orange."

"How do you mean, Jeff?" I asked.

Jeff said they could be made to become violently ill whenever certain phrases were used, like "flipping houses" (Jeff imitating somebody becoming violently ill) or "straw buyers" or, well, any terms like that. Just like in the movie "A Clockwork Orange." Only then would it be safe to let them live on the North Side, even under "house arrest."

Funny, clever Jeff. Naturally, it was time to deliver my Johnny Northside catch phrase.

"You understand that's going right on my blog?"

(Do not click "Read More")

1 comment:

Johnny Northside said...

They could do with a bit of the old ULTRA-VIOLENCE to the property values in the neighborhood.

OK, I just made a comment to my own blog entry. I'm going mad.