Thursday, May 22, 2008

Evacuation Of The Apartment Complex Of Anarchy (Photo Three)

Photo by John Hoff

Here is one of my early pictures of the evacuation, from the point in time when the residents were arguing their case, making their points, not quite ready to put mattresses, bags of clothing, and at least one hobby horse on the sidewalk, not just yet.

I couldn't help but notice a real estate sign had appeared in the last day or two. Hmmm. I wonder how much they want for an old apartment building which has become notorious for crack cocaine sales and reportedly has serious interior damage.

(Do not click "Read More")


Anonymous said...

Hey Johnny northside....Your "complex of Anarchy" was the lead story on channel 5 news at 10pm. Great Job!! Its exciting to see things moving in the right direction.

Johnny Northside said...

Yeah, I didn't see it but I heard about it. I heard it was a lot of "Oh, these poor people, out on the street and what a SURPRISE it all was!" People in the neighborhood who articulated all the problems with the building were reduced to pointless 8 second sound bites.

Hopefully the Star Tribune will manage to have some depth and say what was really going on there. So far you can get a lot more facts from this blog than Channel 5, but the PLACEMENT of the story really tells us something, doesn't it?

First USA TODAY, now this. My little block is really getting a lot of attention. Oh, and I should mention: plenty of great homes for sale nearby and amazing prices! It's turning around, I am helping to turn it around, so folks can feel free to "buy in" and "jump into the fray" whenever they like!