Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Crack House Clarification

I'm still in rural Minnesota dealing with family matters, but I am still fighting for the North Side even while out of town, using my blog. This computer at a relative's house DOES make it convenient to post pictures, so I can work with this equipment well enough.

311 emailed me for clarification about the "open for business" crack house on 4th Street. They are confused about "more than one complaint" for "the same address."

No, seriously. Think about it, and you'll realize how funny that is.

Anyway, I tried to give them the clarification they needed. And I attached three pictures, pulling them right off my blog. (Convenient) One must not only call 311 about unsecured houses, one must call repeatedly and, in effect, LOBBY FOR A RESPONSE and SEND PICTURES.

The house I'm "making an example" out of is still an example. A bad example of painfully slow response while crack heads are left free to frolic inside. If it's not secured by Monday, I will nail it up myself--using the board removed from my very own front door--with a reporter from a local publication present.

(It is being arranged)

I've made enough of an example of this one. I've already proven how unreasonably long it takes and how one must call 311 repeatedly while crack-o-topia flourishes under our very noses. Either it gets boarded up by Monday, or I will do it myself under the "legal doctrine of necessity" to reasonably secure the property against trespass, destruction, and sundry other crimes such as prostitution and drug dealing.

(Do not click "Read More")

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