Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Little Ol' Block In USA TODAY

Photo by Andy King, USA TODAY

So the USA TODAY story did indeed come out...

Click here for link.

One cool thing about the print version was a picture of Jeff Skrenes posing in front of 415 31st Avenue North. I looked at the house and thought, hey, I WAS THE ONE WHO PUT THOSE BOARDS BACK IN PLACE. My little ol' volunteer boards. In USA TODAY. It mentioned the ground-breaking lawsuit, too. Very cool!

Yes, I was initially cynical about the "predatory lending" thing, but the more I hear how the owners gave mortgages to people they knew would default, and then let the properties fall to wreck and ruin...well, I become more convinced of the merit of the lawsuit, despite my previous strong cynicism. Hopefully a jury will feel the same way.

I sure hope the lawsuit with CitiMortgage about 415 31st isn't settled any time soon, so maybe I can have an opportunity to go into court and testify about how often squatters broke in, how the sweet old Polish lady called me on May Day about boards being ripped down yet again, how notoriously brutal pimp Cameron Lake and his prostitute Kathy were often suspected to be sleeping in that old fire-damaged wreck of a house, how pee-smelling clothes were piled up on the back porch but I cleaned up that disgusting mess like a good citizen...and so forth.

(Do not click "Read More")

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